Saturday, May 16, 2009

208 - On the Road

This is the first half of a sharp s-turn that I tackle every day, to and from work. Amazing how often they have to replace or repair that guard rail. (And those are million dollar + homes on the other side of those bushes--those 10-foot-tall bushes!) There was no guard rail at all until they built the first few of those homes.

BTW: Those 10 ft bushes were less than 18" tall when they were planted. My husband worked for the landscape company that put them in, and put most of them in himself! (That was 33 years ago!)

Speed limit's 35, I usually take it around 40, but never if the weather's bad. Wet weather, it's a 25 mph turn.


  1. Nice road shot. It looks like a fun curve (in good weather)

  2. Good idea to put the guard rail in!! Nice shot.

  3. Does look like a curve to have some respect for. Good shot!

  4. A very sharp curve I would say. Your hubby did good - those bushes are beautiful!

  5. Nice shot and interesting narrative to go with it. I like the way the road curves in and leaves you wondering what's behind the trees.

  6. I like road pictures and this is a good one. You be careful on that curve in the mornings.

  7. Love a good, curvy road shot! I guess that's the down side of living out of town...peace and quiet, but more of a journey to get where you need to go.

  8. That is a very scary looking of my favorite camping places is Kern River and there are turns like that the whole way up a steep mountain. You get used to over time, but I wouldn't want it on my way to work every day.

  9. Scary! Great shot -hope it was safe to take it!

  10. Looks like you could literally launch yourself into someone's backyard if you took that too fast! Thanks for sharing part of your commute...
