Friday, March 27, 2009

250 - Rainbow

OK! OK! Obviously this was taken a couple of weeks ago, when the sun was shining. (I can barely remember what that looks like anymore!) A windy, sunshiney day. I thought it was kind of cool the way the water drops and spray are suspended in mid-air. It wasn't until I got it on my computer screen that I noticed it had just the slightest hint of a rainbow on the bottom left side of the fountain spray.


  1. The fountain is great and the subtle rainbow is very pretty, too.

  2. Very cool photo. I like the water drops and spray

  3. Looks like the farm Dragon has blown it's top, while taking a dip. Your going to have to sign up for my imagination classes if the truth is the best you can do, disappointing. Such a great shot had a multitude of possibility. - TRUTH??

  4. Great eye to see this, really nice shot!

  5. That is some wind! Very nice capture!
