Sunday, March 15, 2009

311 - Sunrise, Sunset . . .

FINALLY, it has stopped raining! This past week we got 5 1/2". My driveway's flooded, my yard's flooded, my pasture's flooded, and worst of all, half the barn flooded. I've got horses living in the barn aisle (wow, isn't that convenient) until their stalls dry out enough to rebed with fresh shavings. It'll likely be Wednesday or Thursday before that'll happen!

We needed the rain, but, jeez!!

On the bright side, the sky was absolutely breathtaking as the clouds were thinning out at sundown. This is not a silver lining. It's a gold plating!


  1. Kinda like a rainbow, but more beautiful - WOW!!

  2. Gorgeous sunset. Hope you dry out soon.

  3. Am a tad concerned for the owners of SDF living in aisles but hey that's what you workers is paid to take care of, and there you are of snapping sunsets, "You could be in there bailing out the ship Lady, We're Sinking".

  4. Beautiful sunset. The colors are incredible. I'm looking forward to drying out here, too!

  5. We never get skies like that here! :(

  6. beautiful shot - sorry about the rain :(
